When a homeowner decides to remodel their kitchen, they obviously want the process to go as smoothly as possible. They want the end product to be just what they were expecting and they want the cost to be in line with what they were quoted. Unfortunately, not all remodels go as planned.
At Cabinet Magic we want to help every client get an end result they will be thrilled with. Part of that is doing the right thing but another part is avoiding the wrong thing. Keep reading to discover six common mistakes you can be sure to avoid. Then contact us at 800-570-4194 for help with your remodeling project.
- Do Not Try to Take it All on Yourself
This is the most common mistake we see. Many homeowners believe they can watch a few videos and know how to complete their own remodel. They know that it may take longer but they assume that they will save so much money that the added time will be well worth it. Unfortunately, the end result is often that they call on the professionals to fix the mistakes they made when trying to complete the remodel themselves. This can end up costing more than it would have to just call the pros in the first place. - Make Sure You Know What You Want
Sometimes homeowners aren’t 100% sure what they want. They know they want more space and they want light colors used, but they may otherwise think that they don’t have strong opinions. The bad news is that this is almost always inaccurate. The truth is that if you do not have a good idea of what you want the end product to look like, you are not going to be happy with what gets done. - Do Not Spend Money on Things You Don’t Have To
This may seem like obvious advice but at Cabinet Magic we find that many clients don’t realize that there are some aspects of their remodel that do not require brand new materials. A common example is cabinet refacing. If you like the layout of your cabinets but don’t like the look of them, cabinet refacing can give you the brand-new look you want at a fraction of the price of total replacement. - Keep Your Eye on the Prize
Before you start your remodel, you likely have a goal in mind. Keep your mind on this goal. There are so many potential things to add to your kitchen, the cost can quickly get out of hand if you add every single “toy” that interests you. Make clear goals and stick to them. - Do Not Try to Impress Anyone but Yourself
If you have seen a neighbor’s kitchen and thought it looked incredible, it can be tempting to follow their lead and add elements you don’t need. You are not trying to impress them – focus on what you want and what you need. You do not need to have an award-winning kitchen – just a kitchen you love. - Do Not Put Off Your Remodel
There is no reason to live with a kitchen that is not working for you. The longer you wait, the longer you will be living with something that is no longer servicing you. Contact Cabinet Magic at 800-570-4194 now if you would like your free in-home estimate and consultation.